Sunday, May 29, 2011

ugliest person in world

ugliest person in world. The Tech Game - The ugliest
  • The Tech Game - The ugliest

  • GSMiller
    Jan 15, 09:22 PM
    I don't know what is more lame...

    The fact that Gizmodo actually pulled such a stunt or that Motorola used a presenter with a British accent.

    ugliest person in world. View ugliest person blanketis
  • View ugliest person blanketis

  • tveric
    Oct 3, 01:51 AM
    All this talk is great. Only on macrumors can you see so many people ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room - namely, the fact that a huge majority of users still get their music from sources other than buying it online. 83% don't buy music at least once a month from the itms. 5% of the music on ipods is from the store.

    I know it's the in thing in these forums to profess love for the itms, and curse its competitors and would-be hackers, but the fact is, the store exists for one reason - to give Apple a legitimate entity to point to when the RIAA accuses it of producing devices that encourage piracy - namely, iPods. Don't get me wrong - I love that they did that, and the success of the store ensures I will be able to buy DRM-free mp3 players for quite some time.

    But don't kid yourself into thinking that reverse-engineering of the Fairplay tech will make a rip of difference one way or the other. In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

    ugliest person in world. Ugliest Person In World. World+ugliest+man+ever; World+ugliest+man+ever. iJohnHenry. Mar 15, 02:47 PM. Are you drunk?
  • Ugliest Person In World. World+ugliest+man+ever; World+ugliest+man+ever. iJohnHenry. Mar 15, 02:47 PM. Are you drunk?

  • jimthorn
    Jan 9, 05:19 PM
    You can't download a file via rtsp protocol (as far as I know). Only stream.

    ugliest person in world. Ugliest Person In World. +ugliest+man+in+the+world; +ugliest+man+in+the+world. darwen. Sep 20, 01:02 AM. Did I read Hard Dive? Yay for apple putting a DVR
  • Ugliest Person In World. +ugliest+man+in+the+world; +ugliest+man+in+the+world. darwen. Sep 20, 01:02 AM. Did I read Hard Dive? Yay for apple putting a DVR

  • TZRaceR6
    Aug 8, 01:47 PM
    Electric cars (that are able to fully charge in under 20 minutes) subsidized by a solar panel roof is the future. Don't think a 300 mile range would be out of the question (within a few years) and would def work even in large countries like the U.S.

    If you look here, they are talking 5 minutes for 70% charge of the car, even though it is currently only a short range vehicle.

    ugliest person in world. like the ugliest person on
  • like the ugliest person on

  • j-huskisson
    Sep 12, 07:33 AM
    They annoyed me this time.. I had 8 songs in my basket and i'm unable to purchase them - I can understand with an online store that delays something for at least 24 hours... but for an instant content delivery system it's rather annoying as a customer.

    ugliest person in world. The world#39;s FIRST EMO black
  • The world#39;s FIRST EMO black

  • 0010101
    Oct 29, 11:57 AM
    No, you have it backwards. Software companies don't release products because the hardware is out there. They release because they've added new features and want user to upgrade and new consumers to come. Consumers buy the hardware because the software is available for it. A computer without software is just a really expensive paper weight. It's Adobe's lack of a native Creative Suite than keeps professionals from picking up MacPros - and Apple said just that during their last financial results call.

    You think graphic designers aren't interested in getting an Intel Mac and the performance gains that come with it? They get higher performance running Photoshop on the G5's they have now than running it on the Intel Macs under Rosetta. So why spend the money to degrade your production apps?

    Adobe has nothing to gain from not releasing a native Creative Suite. I mean, it's not like Apple is going to hold a press conference tomorrow and announce they are going back to IBM chips. This is the future and if Adobe doesn't ship a new Creative Suite they will be no different than the companies that never ported their apps to PPC native versions and stayed with 68k - giving up.

    The graphics professionals I know don't scurry out to buy a new Mac everytime apple lifts it's cheek and plops one out.

    Software companies make their money by writing their software to the largest audience, and the Intel Mac is currently a very small portion of an already small segment of the general 'computer user' population.

    If your argument is that if Adobe were to write a universal version of their software that graphics professionals would run out instantly to buy new hardware, that's just not reality.. not when they're still paying off the G5's they just bought a year or two ago.

    The vast majority of people I know who use an Apple computer for a living in the visual arts sector have not made the switch to an Intel Mac, and don't plan to anytime soon, regardless of what Adobe does.

    In fact, talk around the campfire seems to revolve around wether Intel Mac native apps will run any better or faster than the new crop of Winblows apps.. with some 'jumping ship' to join the thousands of others who have moved to the Windows platform in recent years.

    ugliest person in world. World+ugliest+man+ever
  • World+ugliest+man+ever

  • JohnBossu
    Mar 19, 06:22 AM
    Even though I own two iPhone 4's I never experienced being a meat sandwich so that survey is mostly bullshiznit.

    Honestly, I don't buy the iPhone to show off but because it is a photography tool for my art studio.

    I believe there are plenty of good cameras in the market at the same price with a iPhone, you picked iPhone instead?

    yeah iPhone is so overrated then.

    ugliest person in world. The World#39;s Ugliest Athletes
  • The World#39;s Ugliest Athletes

  • samcraig
    May 2, 12:21 PM
    And yeah Google does record but they at least give you the option to turn it off

    This is the point. It doesn't matter which side of the coin you're on regarding privacy. Off means off. On means on.

    And if this were RIM, MS, Google or anyone else that had an important feature crippled due to QA, no doubt the ones claiming Apple's innocence here (and decrying everyone else has conspiracy theories) would be the ones laughing at, making theories, getting outraged, etc.

    It's not a question of giving Apple a free pass. EVERY company should be liable. And consumers have every right to raise questions.

    My goodness - there are threads on this board from people who cry about a one pixel shift in a graphic. Or that their app icon is blurry.

    Here's a real issue. An important issue. And some people want to just wipe it under the carpet as a "non issue"

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world. Ugliest+man+in+the+world+; Ugliest+man+in+the+world+. SilvorX. Nov 20, 11:02 PM. welcome back to MRall sites have trolls :(
  • ugliest person in world. Ugliest+man+in+the+world+; Ugliest+man+in+the+world+. SilvorX. Nov 20, 11:02 PM. welcome back to MRall sites have trolls :(

  • superfula
    Apr 29, 05:09 PM
    You're mixing up your kernels. NT 4.0 doesn't share a kernel with 95/98, NT 3.51 doesn't share a kernel with Windows 3.x...

    Windows 7 is Windows 7 because it's the 7th release of Windows NT.

    1- Windows NT 3.1
    2- Windows NT 3.5
    3- Windows NT 4.0
    4- Windows 2000
    5- Windows XP
    6- Windows Vista
    7- Windows 7

    That's the only way it makes sense.

    No, smitty was correct. MS uses version numbers that identify it's code. It's how software devs can write code that decides whether the app should be allowed to install.

    In a command prompt, use winver. Note the version listed
    EG, Windows 95, NT 4, 98, and ME are all considered Windows 4.x. 2000 and XP are both 5.x, Vista and Windows 7 are 6.x. So it's clear 7 is nothing more than marketing.

    From the horses mouth:

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world. wheelchair, The
  • ugliest person in world. wheelchair, The

  • BBEmployee
    Apr 8, 06:50 PM
    Did you write this on your shift at BB? :p

    Really, I saw this post and went :eek:! This guy has a lot to share and started to ignore, but a couple things caught my eye and read it.

    It was an interesting perspective on BB from the inside. Not to far off from what I would expect. BB and other retailers are really in a pickle these days. Margins keep dropping and there is tons of competition on the Web to buy most anything at a discount.

    Even the new stove I just bought. Shopped Sears, BB, Home Depot, and others... found what I liked, then went on the web to see what the real price was. Then went to the local guy and asked him to match the lowest price and he did. Best Buy and Sears can't negotiate, but the guy down the street will.

    Best Buys and others have really become a place I go to touch and play with technology and then I go buy it somewhere else.

    BTW... no offense, but employees at my local BB seem lost. I've heard tons of misinformation at mine. So I assume mine might have one of those questionable managers. :)

    It's tough to keep good employees. My store pays well, but I honestly think the only reason they have a good staff is because they give smart people a lot of freedom. Things are loose between staff and management, they're flexible on hours and allow us to stay on the light end. We've got a lot of post-college guys like myself who knew-tech heading in with other full-time "real jobs" that come in once or twice a week still to Best Buy, because we're paid pretty well for retail (sales staff averages around $12-13/hour), we get that discount and we don't get hassled because management knows the score with us. It's worked well for us in terms of all those little numbers on the Matrix.

    But if you switched out the management with some of the other stores I've seen, you'd instantly have 50-75% of the staff dropping off 2-week notices and be stuck hiring and training guys who probably don't know much coming in. Again, like just about anything, good management is huge in the equation.

    ugliest person in world. only with u bein the ugliest
  • only with u bein the ugliest

  • skunk
    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    The counter is crap anyway. It goes from -1 to +1 without a 0. And it seems completely random.

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world. World+ugliest+man+ever
  • ugliest person in world. World+ugliest+man+ever

  • Carouser
    Mar 17, 12:30 PM
    I think its the kid's responsibility here. The OP had every intention of paying for his purchase, but the cashier dropped the ball big time. When you take on a job, you assume the responsibilities that come with it. Making a mistake that big will have consequences. I would hate to have someone that makes mistakes like that working for me.

    In other words, you think if someone else makes a mistake and you find out about it, there is zero problem with exploiting that mistake and bragging about it, it's totally free and clear. I would hate to have someone with an attitude like that employing other people.

    Maybe one day someone can take advantage of your spouse or grandmother; I'm sure you'll be first in line to tell them it was their fault for making a mistake in the first place (which every person in the world does; that's why they're called 'mistakes').

    The OP 'had every intention of paying for his purchase' until he knew he could get away with not paying for it.

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world.
  • ugliest person in world.

  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 7, 01:30 PM
    About damn time too...


    Looking forward to shooting with this new gear...

    i am super jealous!!! how much did all that set you back, or not because you're made of money... kidding.


    that's the perfect mommy mobile. not a darn mini-van. that's my future car to replace my vic. when its the right time.

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world.
  • ugliest person in world.

  • aross99
    Jan 11, 10:32 PM
    At first, I got a chuckle when I read this on their site. Turning off a wall of display is one thing, but what they did to the presenters (especially Motorolla) is inexcusable. They took it way to far...

    To be honest with you, I can't believe they blogged about it afterwards..

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world. Ugliest Person in the World
  • ugliest person in world. Ugliest Person in the World

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 25, 02:27 PM
    I get crashed if I use this code: (trying to create an outlet for a button with a selector to a method that invalidates the Time).

    - (IBAction) cancelTime: (id) sender

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world. Fattest Person middot; Ugliest; Fattest Person middot; Ugliest. Silentwave. Jul 11, 11:05 PM. I doubt that Apple are able to charge
  • ugliest person in world. Fattest Person middot; Ugliest; Fattest Person middot; Ugliest. Silentwave. Jul 11, 11:05 PM. I doubt that Apple are able to charge

  • weazle1098
    Oct 11, 11:50 AM
    I'd like to see this thing come out soon, but I'm not in the market for anything of the sort, unless it's more like a PDA than the current iPods. But, for now, let's all let it go, the prophecy will come true. Besides who's actaully going to buy that brick of a MP3 player anyway, it looks thicker than my Powerbook. Micro$oft hasn't gotten the whole elegance thing down yet, so no worries.

    ugliest person in world. ugliest person in world.
  • ugliest person in world.

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 12:46 AM
    I am a reward zone member, the receipt said I paid $530.00 cash. I also received my reward zone points for purchase believe it or not. Funny thing is the kid looked like he was having a crappy day to begin with and probably had it with the madness in the store and looked like he didn't know how to take 2 different forms of payment.

    ugliest person in world. The+most+ugliest+person+
  • The+most+ugliest+person+

  • tuartboy
    Jan 9, 03:20 PM
    There's a ticker? I've been using a custom style sheet for about 2 years now and I guess I don't even know what is on some sites. Probably a bunch of ads.

    All I know is that I put up on all of my IM clients an away message that said don't spoil it for me and someone skyped me and ruined a little bit of it. I don't really care about that specific thing though, so it wasn't a big deal.

    I just want to watch the keynote. A group of us took off work for the WWDC keynote and I'm off for this one too. I decided at about 8:55 PST that I would wait for the keynote later and I've been on errands since. Unless they are encoding it on a Pismo, it should be up soon...

    Heh, a Pismo. That would rule.

    ugliest person in world. in weird people
  • in weird people

  • hob
    Jan 9, 03:32 PM

    Oct 10, 09:57 PM
    hah, new iPod? yeah right.

    out of all the rumors currently circulating, the only one i give some importance to is the iPhone (with Cingular and T-Mobile claiming it). The new Macbook Pro WILL come out, just a matter of when, and whenever somebody claims to have a "reliable source" I really doubt it, especially those Chinese sites.

    I think this might be ready at MWSF. If they release MBP's, iPhones, and vPods before MWSF, what the heck are they gonna surprise us with there? Nothing.

    Oct 13, 08:19 PM
    Just noticed something at work (large retailer). The iPod case is unusually empty of iPod videos. We may have 15 total when the case usual has 50-100. The iPod Nanos on the other hand are completely stocked full. Usually this only happens when Apple is going to release a new version and stops sending the store product. I know it sounds weird because they just upgraded the 5G but it was a very insignificant update. Just thought I'd add that to the rumor mill.

    crap freakboy
    Jan 5, 05:43 PM
    Excellent work MR.
    Stops me sneaking a look before the stream is available.
    Now I can watch after the kids and 'er indoors are asleep.

    Aug 9, 06:49 PM
    Would someone who bought what they assume to be the newer
    version of this display with improve brightness and contrast
    please post part of your serial number.

    Mine: 2A6211XXXXX (Xs represents the rest of my number)
    date of manufacture: May 2006

    Determined from the decoder at:

    I'm trying to detemine if the one I just bought is in this new batch.
    And if it isn't I want to return it quickly.
    I have 15 days to return it and exchange if I don't want this display to the store
    where I bought it (not from an Apple store).

    Sep 25, 06:31 PM
    hmm I might consider to give it a try afterall...

    when it came out my G5 was rejected (only because of the stock graphics card) there was a testing app to see if you could run it before you buy the actual program... and since a new card would set me back some extra � and aperture was at that time at the high price... I passed... now it supports my system, so maybe I'll ge it (first I'll do a testrun at my local shop where I buy my camera's... they told me not to buy V1... and said the latest was very much improved, and now there is another new version ;-))